A Plane Traveling at 180 Mph Passes 400 Feet Directly Over an Observer

(Last Updated On: July 17, 2021)

MCQ in Physics Part 7 | ECE Board Exam

This is the Multiples Choice Questions Function seven of the Series in Physics every bit 1 of the Full general Applied science and Applied Sciences (GEAS) topic. In Preparation for the ECE Lath Exam make sure to betrayal yourself and familiarize in each and every questions compiled here taken from diverse sources including past Board Questions in General Engineering and Applied Sciences (GEAS), Physics Books, Journals and other Physics References.

Proceed Practice Exam Test Questions Part 7 of the Serial

⇐ MCQ in Physics Function six | ECE Board Exam

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

301. The wavelength of a source wave in a sure cloth every bit measured is 18 cm. The frequency of the wave is 1900 Hz. Compute the speed of sound wave?

A. 342 thousand/due south

B. 400 m/southward

C. 542 one thousand/s

D. 300 m/s

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Reply: Option A


302. A horizontal cord v yard long has a mass of 2.5 grams. What must be the tension in the cord if the wavelength of a 120 Hz wave on information technology is to exist 50 cm?

A. i.50 North

B. i.lxxx N

C. 2.50 N

D. 4.30 N

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Respond: Option B


303. A 3-m string is driven by a 240 Hz vibrator at its end. Determine the speed of transverse waves on the string if information technology resonates four segments?

A. 340 grand/s

B. 360 thou/south

C. 430 chiliad/south

D. 420 g/south

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Answer: Option B


304. A guitar string 30 cm long resonates in its fundamental to a frequency of 250 Hz. What is the tension in the string if lxxx cm of the cord "weighs" 0.fourscore grams?

A. 20 N

B. 30 N

C. 10 North

D. 40 N

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Answer: Pick D


305. A piano cord with a length of 1.17 thou and a mass of 21.0 g in under tension of 6.four x 10iii Northward, what is the fundamental frequency?

A. 225 Hz

B. 187 Hz

C. 255 Hz

D. 290 Hz

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Answer: Selection C


306. A rope 4 ft. long weighs 0.7 lb. A accident on the rope produces a transverse wave. Determine the velocity of the moving ridge considering that the tension is twoscore lb.

A. 75.eight ft/s

B. 95.7 ft/s

C. 78.5 ft/s

D. 85.8 ft/s

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Answer: Option D


307. What is the relative intensity level of sound in decibels it its intensity is 3 10 10-vii W/cm2?

A. 94.8

B. 78.seven

C. 80.5

D. 75.four

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Respond: Option A


308. A wave has pressure level aamplitude of five dynes/cm2 and a velocity of 35.7 m/s, what is the accented intensity considering that 0.001293 gm/cm?

A. 1.27 10 10^-8 W/cm2

B. 1.47 x 10^-eight W/cm2

C. three.27 x 10^-8 W/cm2

D. 2.71 x 10^-8 W/cm2

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Respond: Option D


309. A railroad train bravado its whistle at 750 Hz approaches a station at the rate of 35 mph. What frequency is heard by a human being continuing at the station because the velocity of sound in air 1100 ft/southward?

A. 739.7 Hz

B. 857.4 Hz

C. 716.4 Hz

D. 786.7 Hz

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Reply: Option D


310. Two cars A and B are traveling toward each other at speeds of 45 km/hr and 70 km/hour respectively. If A bravado its horn, what is the relative pitch heard by a passenger in B, considering that the velocity of sound is 344 m/s

A. 1.043

B. i.021

C. 1.096

D. 1.078

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Answer: Option C


311. An explosion occurs at a altitude of 5 km from the observer. How long after the explosion does a person hear if the temperature is 18°C? Note: the speed of sound at STP (standard temperature and force per unit area) is 332 m/southward and changes past 0.6 m/s for every 1 °C modify in temperature.

A. fourteen.58 s

B. 12.45 south

C. 11.87 southward

D. 17.54 s

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Reply: Option A


312. What is the speed of sound in neon gas at temperature of 25°C considering that the molecular mass if this gas is 20.18 kg/mol? Neon is monoatomic. Use chiliad = one.67

A. 543.7 m/south

B. 478.half dozen one thousand/s

C. 321.7 thousand/s

D. 447.v chiliad/s

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Answer: Choice D


313. What is the wavelength of xanthous light whose frequency is 5 10 xxiv Hz?

A. 800 mm

B. 200 mm

C. 600 mm

D. 700 mm

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Reply: Option C


314. What is the angle of refraction of light as a axle of parallel lite enters a block of water ice at bending of incidence of 30°? The alphabetize of refraction of ice is one.31 and that of air is one.0.

A. 45°

B. 30°

C. 22°

D. 26°

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Respond: Option C


315. A lite ray is incident at an angle of 45° on 1 side of a glass plate of alphabetize of refraction 1.vi. Find the bending at which the ray emerges from the other side of the plate.

A. 26°

B. 20°

C. 22°

D. 28°

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Answer: Pick C


316. Information technology was found out that the speed of light in water is 75% of its speed in vacuum. What is the index of refraction of water?

A. one.46

B. 1.33

C. 1.26

D. 1.67

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Answer: Option B


317. A glass plate is 0.6 cm thick and has a refractive alphabetize of ane.55. Compute how long will it take for a pulse of light to pass through the plate?

A. 4.41 ten 10-12 s

B. iii.11 ten 10-xi southward

C. 1.34 x 10-12 southward

D. ii.34 x 10-11 s

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Answer: Selection B


318. A lite passes from glass to water. If the index of refraction for glass is i.54 and for water is 1.33, compute the disquisitional angle for this calorie-free to pass the drinking glass.

A. 59.vii°

B. 45.8°

C. 67.4°

D. 50.9°

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Answer: Choice A


319. A light source emits a total luminous flux of 1000 lumens and distributed uniformly over 25% of a sphere. What is the luminous intensity at 2.5-meter altitude?

A. 413 cd

B. 243 cd

C. 134 cd

D. 318 cd

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Reply: Option D


320. A low-cal bulb emits a total luminous flux of 1700 lumens, distributed uniformly over a hemisphere. What is the illuminance at a distance of 2 meters?

A. 67.65 lm/g2

B. 35.seventy lm/mii

C. 59.87 lm/k2

D. 23.56 lm/mtwo

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Reply: Option A


321. A light bulb is used to lite a bunker x ft. beneath. A chair sits on the floor of the bunker 3 anxiety from a spot directly below the seedling. What is the illumination on the floor around the chair if the luminous intensity is 150 candles?

A. 2.38 footcandles

B. 2.43 footcandles

C. iii.87 footcandles

D. ane.38 footcandles

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Answer: Option D


322. A light ray passing through air and strikes a glass surface at an angle of 55° from the normal surface. What is the angle between the reflected low-cal and the surface?

A. 55°

B. 25°

C. 35°

D. 45°

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Reply: Selection C


323. A converging lens of focal length 20 cm is placed 37 cm in front end of a screen. At what distance that the object exist placed so that its image appears on the screen?

A. 43.five cm

B. 35.7 cm

C. 27.6 cm

D. 50.7 cm

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Answer: Choice A


324. In what positions will a converging lens of focal length ten cm from an prototype of luminous object on a screen located 50 cm from the object?

A. xi.52 cm and 38.48 cm from the object

B. 10 cm and twoscore cm from the object

C. thirteen.82 cm and 36.18 cm from the object

D. 12.56 cm and 37.44 cm from the object

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Answer: Selection C


325. A lens has a convex surface of radius 17 cm and a concave surface of radius 38 cm and is fabricated of glass of refractive index i.55. Calculate the focal length of the lens and classify the type of lens whether diverging or converging?

A. 55.93 cm converging lens

B. 57.45 cm diverging lens

C. 55.93 cm diverging lens

D. 57.45 cm converging lens

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Respond: Option A


326. A double convex lens has faces of radii sixteen and eighteen cm. When an object is 20 cm from the lens, a existent image is formed 30 cm from the lens. What is the focal length of the lens?

A. 11 cm

B. 10 cm

C. 12 cm

D. xiv cm

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Reply: Selection C


327. A double convex lens has faces of radii 22 and 24 cm. When an object is 30 cm from the lens, a real image is formed 45 cm from the lens. Compute the refractive index of the lens material

A. 1.64

B. 1.32

C. ane.21

D. i.76

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Respond: Option A


328. A 50 watt incandescent lamp has a mean spherical luminous intensity of 66.five candelas. Compute the total luminous flux radiated by the lamp?

A. 842 lm

B. 457 lm

C. 786 lm

D. 987 lm

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Reply: Option A


329. A 250 Westward light source has a mean spherical luminous intensity of 87.v candelas. Compute the luminous intensity of the lamp?

A. iv.7 lm/s

B. 4.4 lm/s

C. two.0 lm/southward

D. one.7 lm/due south

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Answer: Option B


330. Compute the illumination on a surface 5 ft distance from a 100-cd source if the surface makes an angle of 18° with the rays?

A. one.67 lm/fttwo

B. 1.50 lm/ft2

C. 1.24 lm/ft2

D. two.13 lm/ftii

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Respond: Selection C


331. Guess the distance for which a 30-cd lamp provide the same illumination as a standard lamp of 80-cd placed 17 ft from the screen?

A. ix.76 ft

B. viii.5 ft

C. 12.7 ft

D. ten.41 ft

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Reply: Choice D


332. A Plano-convex lens has a focal length of 35 cm and an index of refraction 1.53. Find the radius of the convex surface.

A. 18.55 cm

B. 15.78 cm

C. 20.78 cm

D. 17.55 cm

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Reply: Option A


333. If a beam of polarized light has i-twelfth of its initial intensity subsequently passing through an analyzer, what is the angle between the axis of the analyzer and the initial amplitude of the beam?

A. 65.73°

B. 76.27°

C. 73.22°

D. 67.54°

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Answer: Pick C


334. An observer sees a spaceship, measured 100 thou long when at residual. He passed by in compatible motion with the speed of 0.5 c. While the observer is watching the spaceship, a time of 2 s elapses on a clock on board the transport, what is the length of the moving spaceship?

A. 82 g

B. 85 m

C. 83 g

D. 87 thousand

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Answer: Option D


335. The captain of a spacecraft send a pulse of calorie-free towards earth and and then exactly 1 min. later (as measured by the clock on the spacecraft), sends a 2nd pulse. An observer on earth sees the 2d pulse arrive 4 minutes after the first. What is the velocity of the spacecraft relative to the earth?

A. 0.987c

B. 0.968c

C. 0.954c

D. 0.953c

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Respond: Pick B


336. What is the rest energy of electron equivalent to its rest mass? 1Mev = ane.60 ten ten^-13 J and mass of electron is ix.11 x 10^-31 kg.

A. 0.512 MeV

B. 0.987 MeV

C. 0.345 MeV

D. 0.675 MeV

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Reply: Option A


337. What is the frequency of photon having energy of 2 eV?

A. 560 THz

B. 300 THz

C. 250 THz

D. 480 THz

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Answer: Pick D


338. A red lite passes an empty infinite. What is the momentum of a single photon of cherry-red light whose frequency is 400 x 1012 HZ?

A. 8.viii ten 10-28 kg grand/s

B. 7.six x 10-28 kg m/s

C. v.iv x ten-28 kg m/s

D. half-dozen.5 10 10-28 kg m/s

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Respond: Option A


339. The eye can detect as little equally i x 10^-18 J of electromagnetic free energy. How many photons of orange light whose wavelength is 600 nm present in the energy?

A. 5

B. 4

C. three

D. 1

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Answer: Option C


340. What is the speed of audio through compressed h2o (100 kPa) if its book decreased past 0.005% of its original book?

A. 1414 m/s

B. 1250 thou/s

C. 1130 k/south

D. 1200 one thousand/s

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Answer: Option A


341. What is the bulk modulus of steel if the audio waves traveled at approximately 5900 m/southward? Note: the density of steel is 7900 kg/one thousand3

A. ii.75 x 10eleven Pa

B. 1.25 x xxi Pa

C. 1.15 x 1011 Pa

D. 2.45 x 1011 Pa

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Reply: Option A


342. A sure loud speaker has a circular opening with a bore of fifteen cm. Assume that the sound information technology emits is uniform and outward through this entire opening. How much power is existence radiated by the loudspeaker if the sound intensity at opening is 150 µW/one thousandtwo?

A. 1.77 µW

B. 1.87 µW

C. two.65 µW

D. 3.41 µW

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Answer: Choice C


343. Sound intensity that reaches i.ii W/k2 is painful to human ear. How many decibels is 1.2 Westward/chiliadtwo?

A. 240.five dB

B. 170.iv dB

C. 120.8 dB

D. 134.5 dB

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Answer: Option C


344. Compute the ratio of the intensities of sounds if one is 12 times louder than the other?

A. 13.47 dB

B. xv.85 dB

C. xviii.76 dB

D. 14.54 dB

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Reply: Option B


345. An automobile moving at 30 m/s is budgeted a building whistle with a frequency of 500 Hz. If the speed of audio in air is 340 thousand/s what is the apparent frequency of the whistle heard by the driver?

A. 459 Hz

B. 458 Hz

C. 457 Hz

D. 456 Hz

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Respond: Option D


346. What is the mass of electron traveling at half the speed of calorie-free?

A. i.05 x ten-30 kg

B. 2.31 x ten-xxx kg

C. 1.56 x ten-31 kg

D. 1.61 10 10-31 kg

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Answer: Option A


347. A medium unshaded lamp hangs 8 yard directly above the table. To what distance should information technology be lowered to increase the illumination to four.45 times its former value?

A. iv.02 m

B. 3.86 thou

C. 3.79 k

D. 4.21 k

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Answer: Option C


348. A floodlight emitting 25,000 candelas in the heart of its beam is aimed at 50° to a signal on the footing 20 meters away. The illumination of the betoken in flux is:

A. 54.12

B. 62.5

C. 31.25

D. 625

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Answer: Option C


349. Compute the speed of sound in neon gas at 27°C of molecular mass 20.eighteen kg/kmol and 1000 of ane.67.

A. 454 g/due south

B. 564 m/s

C. 356 m/due south

D. 434 one thousand/s

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Answer: Choice A


350. A magnifying drinking glass has a lens with an index of refraction 5.4 and radii of curvature of 2.95 feet and 4.27 feet for the ii faces. What is the magnification of the lens when it is held 2.36 inches from an object being viewed?

A. one.6

B. 2.78

C. 2.16

D. 1.98

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Respond: Selection D


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