How to Make Social Media Accounts for My Website Reddit

Reddit is a popular social media site with over 200 million monthly users. It has been called "the front page of the internet" considering information technology organizes content from all the most popular websites, and many people visit that social media platform every twenty-four hour period to stay upwardly-to-date on news or just have fun. This article will teach you how to make your company stand out in this huge crowd by creating a marketing strategy that will get results!

Here's an overview of the article:

  • Find or create a subreddit for your niche
  • Inquiry what the users are posting
  • Mail content to your subreddit
  • Cantankerous-postal service on other subreddits in the aforementioned niche
  • Create an account with Reddit Ads
  • Conclusion

Starting time off, some fundamental Reddit statistics:

  • lxx% of Reddit Video Views Come up From Mobile (
  • More than Than 50% Of The Content In Pinnacle Subreddits Are Links (
  • Reddit Has Seen a 38% Growth Rate for Video (
  • Reddit is the 15th most used social media platform (

Remember that Reddit is different from other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. They're not the same type of website and they don't operate in the same style. Exist aware of this when writing your strategies and post ideas because information technology may exist hard to get results if yous apply methods from another platform to Reddit marketing – your efforts could even get unnoticed.

How can Brand24 help with Reddit marketing?

Within the Brand24 tool, y'all can fully monitor all mentions of your visitor on Reddit. This is a valuable way to stay in touch with what's going on with your production, company, and community. It also allows you lot to create a media strategy that will get results by identifying whatever sentiment changes in the conversations about your company in real-time.

If you lot want to know how Brand24 can help with marketing on Reddit specifically, nosotros have a few strategies for you:

  • Find keywords that are related to your business organization and spotter them grow or shrink
  • Monitor comments about your company over time
  • Run across the top influencers for each subreddit and how they interact with other users and posts
  • Track daily Reddit activity for all of these metrics and more than!
How Brand24 tracks Reddit mentions
How Brand24 tracks Reddit mentions

Brand24 is a tool that tracks mentions on Reddit. Attempt it during a 14-24-hour interval costless trial!

What are Reddit users like?

Reddit users are a very various group of people from around the globe. They share numerous interests, which is why at that place are many subreddits for whatever you lot're into.

Some people may be looking to unwind when they get home from work and desire to read some stories before going to bed, while others might be in a hurry and only accept a few minutes' worths of short gaming videos to watch or articles virtually cryptocurrency!

Reddit users are conscious and aware of the world around them. They are constantly looking for new information, and they are very engaged with the content that is on the site. This makes Reddit a great platform for marketing your company.

Daniel Chan, CTO of Market place Fairness, nicely summarised what posting on Reddit should look like:

"Make sure your posts are high-quality and relevant. Reddit is a community of people who are passionate nearly specific topics, so it'south important to make sure that your posts are relevant to the subreddit you are posting in. Otherwise, yous may lose users' attention and end up with negative feedback. Use humour and engaging images to make your posts stand up out. Posts that are funny or include engaging images are more probable to get attending on Reddit. You tin can too apply GIFs to add together some extra flair to your posts.

Take advantage of the commenting characteristic to showtime conversations with users. Commenting on other users' posts is a great way to start conversations and become feedback. You can besides use this opportunity to answer any questions that users may take. Be sure to monitor your comments and respond to any questions or criticisms. It'southward important to be responsive equally it shows that yous intendance well-nigh your users and that you're open to feedback."

Mia Naumoska, the CMO of Chanty threw in her two cents as well:

"Reddit is by far the trickiest social media platform for marketing, which is why many businesses avoid it at all costs. Redditors securely dislike seeing advertisements and marketing posts on their feeds."

Let's spring correct into Reddit marketing strategies!

Create an account

While that might exist obvious, it's worth mentioning — the first step is to create an account.


When it comes to creating a Reddit account for your business, you want to make certain that you employ a variation of your company name as your username. This volition go far easier for people to find you and follow your brand. Y'all also want to make sure that you create a personal business relationship that is professional and represents your concern well. As a business concern owner, yous wouldn't similar to come up beyond as disreputable.

Reddit website
Reddit website

Find or create a subreddit for your niche

When it comes to social media marketing on Reddit, finding or creating a subreddit for your niche is of import. This is because subreddits are online communities of people who are interested in a specific topic.

By posting content to a subreddit that is relevant to your business, y'all can accomplish a large audience of people who are interested in what y'all have to offer. In improver, by cantankerous-posting content on other subreddits in the same niche, you can reach even more people who might be interested in what you have to say.

Creating an account and posting content on relevant subreddits is a smashing fashion to start edifice relationships with potential customers and increase traffic to your website.

Victoria Mendoza of Mediapeanut, notes the importance of the right subreddits. She remarks,

"For a growing concern, information technology is e'er a claiming to get content out to a specific audience who are focused on a item niche. And and so there comes Reddit which has some of the most engaged users on specific topics that is not something you would often see when marketing on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram.

With over 140,000 niche communities on Reddit, it is a goldmine for a business wanting to target audiences with similar interests and values as the make being promoted. But search on Reddit using keywords yous desire to target and it volition display posts and communities that are relevant to your search. When y'all notice the communities that are aligned with your brand, you become to accept data to farther appoint your target market or audience and even introduce your brand with them."

For the most role, everyone on Reddit is anonymous – they utilize strings of letters to correspond themselves instead of their name or e-mail accost. At that place are many different subreddits where users hash out topics that are related to pop culture, breaking news, current affairs, and things similar video games, movies, arts, and music. It's important to enquiry what the other users are posting so you can create a strategy that will go results.

One manner that the strategy for your marketing campaign may differ from someone else's would be in how often yous post about your product or service. You lot could post more often than them if yous think your audience will like this ameliorate.

However, if yous're worried about spamming people, and then this might not be the all-time idea for your particular marketing campaign.

While because what the other users are posting to go ideas, don't take things also literally and mail service almost your product or service exactly how they did. You should bring creative elements into your strategy that volition assistance you stand out from the contest.

Such artistic elements can include a video that tells people why they demand your product or service instead of merely writing upwardly a lot of text in an article. People oftentimes utilise YouTube videos when they want something explained to them in simple terms instead of reading a large block of text.

Mail service content to your subreddit

At present that you've establish your Reddit niche and what blazon of content you want to publish, it'south time to develop information technology.

Top Reddit Posts Are Under 120 Characters

In society to get the nearly engagement on Reddit, information technology's best to keep your posts curt and to the point. This is because Reddit users are more than likely to read shorter posts, and they're as well more than probable to share them if they like what they've read.

If y'all can't fit all of your information into a brusk post, then you lot can e'er include a link to a longer article or page on your website. This will let your readers to go more information if they're interested, therefore visiting your website.

Another reason why top Reddit posts are under 120 characters is that people are often busy and don't have time to read long posts. When people see a post that looks long, they may not carp reading it and will just motion on to something else. It'south much amend to keep things curt and sweet so people don't miss out on seeing the cracking content that you've made for them.

Posts With Questions Receive The Most Comments

On Reddit, posts that receive the almost comments are those that ask questions. In that location are ii reasons for this – the starting time is that people are drawn to answering questions. People love to do things because it gives them a sense of accomplishment to know that you lot're helping someone else out. The 2d reason is that people only enjoy learning about other people's opinions because it makes them feel involved in the conversation.

The best way to get more than comments on your mail is by request a question, however, this isn't ever possible since not every type of mail service tin ask a question. If y'all can't inquire a question, and so one way you can make your post interactive is by making sure there are several good discussion points within the text that could spark debates. This will get people talking and engaged in your mail, which is what you want.

In order to brand certain that your mail receives the most comments, be sure to inquiry what the other users are posting then you tin can inquire questions or include discussion points that haven't been talked most before. This will help you to stand up out from the competition and will besides keep people interested in reading your posts.

Posts Without Questions Receive More Upvotes

Reddit users like novelty and they don't want to practice as well much mental work to effigy out why a mail is interesting. This means that posts without questions usually do much better in terms of upvotes.

Now, depending on what y'all demand, you lot should choose each blazon of mail accordingly.

The team at Mediapeanut has supplied us with some data too,

"We surveyed 3192 businesses that utilise Reddit for content marketing and found diverse insights:

  • Question based posts performed the absolute best as far as comments -This format proved to exist the strongest conversation starter for our audience of reddit marketers.
  • According to our survey answers, Marketers that utilized a question blazon post on reddit saw ane.8x more comments compared to non-question based reddit posts. However, purely informational formatted posts on reddit generated significantly more than upvotes than other formats.
  • Posts titles with 65-75 words consistently had more upvotes than those with more or less."

Here are another tips to ensure that your content corresponds with your audience:

Be authentic

When y'all're marketing on Reddit, information technology's essential to exist authentic. If people tin tell that you're only trying to sell them something, they'll lose trust in y'all and probably won't buy anything from you. Instead, be honest and upfront about what y'all're offering. Allow people know what y'all're selling and why they should buy information technology.

Still, getting trust within the Reddit community is not an piece of cake job. You tin't just come over and start selling stuff without proper introductions. Information technology takes some time to get the Reddit users acquainted with you every bit a person. For this reason, there should be just that backside your account – a person, non a company.

Impressing them with properly themed and cleverly executed marketing schemes would do you good. Call up that Redditors are a savvy bunch, then recollect exterior the box on this one. Don't blindly follow social media trends.

Laura Jimenez of iShine365, added: "If you overtly attempt and self promote so you're going to striking a wall and more than probable become kicked off Reddit. Influencer marketing and relationships are key to existence successful on Reddit. Engage with the site to develop a following. You should be doing this on all social networks, information technology'due south just harder to spam on Reddit. Create a post-obit by engaging the community and condign agile. People will follow."

Be helpful

In addition to being authentic, yous should also be helpful on Reddit. When people inquire for communication or recommendations, be sure to offering your help. Share your knowledge and expertise with others, and they'll appreciate it. Plus, being helpful volition make you look like a credible source of information, which tin can lead to more sales in the long run.

Be involved

Finally, be involved on Reddit. Subscribe to relevant subreddits, comment on posts, and share content from other users. The more involved yous are, the more than people will go to know you lot and trust you.

Heed to feedback and analyse the comments

The most important thing in marketing on Reddit is that yous heed to feedback to your entrada. You demand to analyze the comments that yous receive and sympathise why people are commenting on sure things. If you practice this, and then there is a college gamble of existence successful in your marketing campaign. Information technology will too mean that if something goes wrong with the marketing, the public might exist able to give some tips on how to set information technology!

Comments tin can also requite yous an idea of how your content was perceived. Ask yourself some questions when reading the comments:

  • What do the positive comments say about the campaign?
  • How does this compare with negative comments?
  • Can you lot identify whatsoever patterns in your data, for instance, are there lots of comments but few upvotes or vice versa?
  • Can y'all spot any common complaints?
  • Practise these complaints line up with issues mentioned in the negative comments, or vice versa?
  • In what way are they similar or dissimilar from each other?

If a lot of people take disagreements about a specific aspect of your entrada, then it might be worth reviewing this part to come across why in that location is such a difference in opinion.

The same goes for if there is just one complaint that keeps coming upwardly. You should try and understand why this was so important for sure people to mention.

If y'all tin can answer these questions, so that will give y'all a good footing to build on. If it is very difficult to analyze the data, and so try using the software. Sentiment analysis and media monitoring can often help with large volumes of text.

Julian Goldie, CEO of Goldie Bureau, reminds us of the importance of acting quick:

"Nigh Reddit users visit the site for existent-time experience, and largely reply to comments offering proven solutions. This is where you identify threads that may provide you the opportunity to have part in a give-and-take and resolve such queries presenting your production as the best solution."

Target the right audience

When it comes to marketing on Reddit, it'due south important to target the right audience. If you try to target everyone, you'll end upward reaching no one. You need to place your target market and create a strategy that will entreatment to them.

One of the best ways to identify your target market is to look at your current customers. Who are they? What practice they like? What do they desire? Once you have a better understanding of your target market, you tin offset creating content that volition appeal to them.

Set upwards Brand24, get-go to runway keywords beyond subreddits and detect your target audience!

Daniel Veiga, a seasoned growth specialist, denotes the importance of targeting:

"You lot can increase exposure at no toll by being interactive on whichever subreddit seems most relevant for yous. Search for Reddit threads that mention companies in straight competition with yours and try to engage them in the thread by shining up their content or offer an alternative perspective when needed, without being too salesy."

Create engaging content

Another important affair to go along in mind when marketing on Reddit is to brand sure your content is relevant. If you're non relevant, people volition quickly lose interest in what yous're promoting and your campaign will fail.

However, you don't want to only promote content to your audience. If they go to Reddit and see everything you're doing is advertising is relevant, they'll realize they've been targeted. Instead, use delicate, albeit easily detectable, promotion within your highly engaging, creative posts. If the mail service is valuable, Reddit users won't listen the ads.

You should also endeavour posting diverse types of content on the platform since information technology'south better for engagement if people are seeing a diversity of posts from you rather than just one or two types of posts.

The more information points someone gets about what kind of business you are across multiple channels, the more than likely they are to trust your brand considering there appears to be consistency across different touchpoints with your company.

Post consistently

If you desire to be successful when marketing on Reddit, it'due south important to mail consistently. If you're not posting oft, people will lose involvement in what yous're doing and your entrada volition fail.

In order to make sure you're able to post regularly, it'south a practiced thought to create a content calendar. This volition help you stay organized and make certain you're able to mail content on a regular basis.

When creating your content calendar, brand sure you include unlike types of content. This volition help go along things interesting for your audience and ensure they keep to appoint with your posts.

Sojy SN, a content marketer at Stan Ventures also remarks most beingness consequent:

"Don't just post one article in like two weeks, CONSISTENCY is fundamental to achieving a great date rate on your content and building a customs.

Yous need to exist consistent in providing informative insights to the people on your niche, which will build an authentic Reddit presence, and from there, you can exist sure of increased traffic."

Make use of the share button

Reddit has an obvious, though fairly underused and underappreciated feature, the share button. Using that, you tin can cantankerous-post your Reddit content to other social media channels where it will get a college reach and more engagement.

This is a not bad way to ensure your content is seen by a larger audience and helps you grow your brand on Reddit.

In club to make the most of this characteristic, make certain you're using high-quality images and videos in your posts. This will help them stand up out when they're shared on other social media sites.

Optimize for SEO

Similar whatever other website, if you want to be successful when marketing on Reddit, you need to optimize your content for SEO. This means including keywords in your titles and descriptions then that people tin can detect your content when they're searching for related terms. Quite often, Reddit posts rank loftier on diverse Google queries, especially when information technology comes to questions, which is quite similar to Quora.

Reddit post in Google Search

Not a bad search term to rank for if you ask me. If they accept washed it, you can practice it too with a great post. I'm more than than sure, though, that they weren't making this mail service with Google Search in mind. Using a few tricks, you tin can increase the chances of ranking your Reddit post high.

First, ever include a link in the author box. This makes it easy for people to find more than information and allows yous to proceeds traffic from Reddit users that similar your content and want to read more than about the bailiwick.

Reddit users volition also click on images and videos if they're included in your mail. Make sure you optimize them for SEO every bit well. This means including keywords in the filename of these items and inside their alt text tags. You can use keyword research tools such as SEMrush or AnswerthePublic to assist you make up one's mind which terms will be virtually effective when optimizing these files.

Another way to increase search engine results is by making employ of Reddit's subreddits feature. If someone is looking for topics related to your business, brand sure you participate in those subreddits as much every bit possible. This will help you lot rank well for those terms and proceeds access to a new audience that may not have otherwise been exposed to your brand.

You can as well reuse your Reddit mail every bit a blog post or vice versa. Of course, it has to be rewritten to match the style of your site and to avoid duplicate content.

It's also worth mentioning that y'all should brand sure that your posts are not cannibalising one another. This means ranking for the aforementioned keywords as they might be harming each other's rankings. It's much ameliorate to take ane mail in the summit 3 than two posts in the lower part of the top 10. The first 3 posts take an exponentially higher click-through rate. According to Backlinko, the top 3 generates 3-quarters of all the clicks.

Here's a great instance of a properly conducted Reddit self promotion campaign by Uniqlo.

Know the rules

Reddit has very specific rules about what is allowed on their platform and things that aren't allowed. If yous want to be successful when marketing on Reddit, it'due south of import not to break these rules considering doing so can get your account banned or may result in a significant drib in traffic to your website from Reddit users.

In order to assist you avert this type of situation, make certain you're familiar with the site's rules earlier launching any campaigns there. Y'all tin find a link to their content policy here.

This as well includes following Reddit's etiquette guidelines. For example, don't but post links to your website or blog and call it a day. Be certain to participate in the discussions that are taking place on the site and contribute value to them. This volition assist you lot build relationships with other Reddit users and increase the chances that they'll engage with your content.

At present, these are merely the general rules. Each subreddit has its ain set of individual principles, like, for example, r/DataIsBeautiful:

Individual principles of subreddit DataIsBeautiful

Cross-post on other subreddits in the same niche

When marketing on Reddit, it'southward important to recollect about your target audience and where they are virtually probable to exist active. If y'all're targeting people who are interested in a specific topic, information technology makes sense to post in subreddits that are related to that topic.

This volition aid yous reach more than people who are interested in what you have to say, and it volition also help you build relationships with other members of the Reddit community. You tin can compare it to posting on different social media platforms.

Research what subreddits your target audience hangs out on

One of the best ways to learn more about your target audience is to research the subreddits they are most likely to hang out on. Past doing this, y'all'll be able to become a amend understanding of the kinds of topics they are interested in, and you'll likewise be able to encounter what kind of content is pop in those subreddits. This data tin help you create a strategy that will resonate with your target audience and get results.

To research which subreddits your target audience hangs out on, yous tin can employ the search bar on Reddit or use a tool like Subreddit Finder. This tool allows you to search for specific keywords and meet which subreddits are related to that keyword.

Pay attention to your karma!

One of the most important aspects of marketing on Reddit is having a positive reputation. Whenever you post something on Reddit, y'all'll get either upvotes or downvotes — it's true that these don't necessarily reflect whether or not your content is good, simply they do affect how others run across your content.

If you have a negative reputation every bit a poster, other users will be less inclined to have to center anything y'all write. In contrast, if yous manage to develop a good reputation as a poster with valuable information, people volition be much more likely to check out what you have to say and lend their support.

In order for this to happen, start by looking at your karma residual.

What is karma in Reddit, and how do you get it? - Quora

The more operative and helpful you are on Reddit, the more your posts volition be upvoted.

One mode to become more cooperative is to take the time to read other users' posts and respond to them in a thoughtful style. You can also contribute to discussions by adding new insights or perspectives. In this way, yous'll not only be helping others on Reddit, only you lot'll also be edifice up your reputation as a valuable fellow member of the customs.

Farzad Rashidi, Co-Founder of Respona, mentions karma and engagement.

"Discussions are a good way to see what is going on in your niche. When someone is request a question, others can spring in with an answer. Information technology'southward a groovy manner to learn conversations people are having. When you add value to conversations, you lot get karma points. Karma points are a way for Reddit to charge per unit the value of that person to the customs. It's a way to build a rapport with people."

Conduct an AMA

Conducting an Inquire Me Annihilation (AMA) session on Reddit can be a dandy mode to promote your brand and interact directly with potential customers. By asking questions, you'll be able to acquire more than about what interests them and how they would like to run into your product developed – this information is extremely valuable for marketing purposes.

You will likewise have the adventure to create a deeper connectedness with existent people who are interested in the same things equally you are, which is always good for business.

n Ask Me Anything (AMA) on Reddit

Of course, an AMA has to be personal. You can't but post about your company and accept the Redditors ask y'all questions. They don't intendance about your product all that much.

Nonetheless, if you lot manage to produce a successful AMA, you'll exist able to get your name out there to thousands of people in simply about a day. Provided your story is interesting, Redditors will be more than keen on request y'all questions.

Here's an example of AMA with a wear designer:

Reddit post - Ask me anything about the fashion industry

Apart from over i,000 upvotes, the postal service has nigh 300 comments. That is a actually well-written intro to a post, and, as you lot tin run across, the person too posted a link to their website, getting thousands of eyes on information technology.

Fifty-fifty something as uncomplicated and mundane equally plumbing tin be a massive hit:

Reddit post with over 8k comments

This doesn't come without risk, though. A poor AMA session might exist a PR nightmare for you and your business.

Reddit post -  Ask Me Anything (AMA)

v,500 comments. Only, Jose Canseco didn't actually intendance well-nigh the AMA and merely answered 50 questions. Talk most failure.

Use Reddit advertizement

Reddit Ads piece of work in a similar fashion to Facebook advertisement or just nearly whatever other paid social media strategy.

When marketing on Reddit, it's important to create an account with Reddit Ads. This will allow y'all to specifically target the people who are virtually likely to be interested in your product. You lot can too use Reddit Ads to create Sponsored Posts, which will give you fifty-fifty more exposure.

Additionally, by creating an account with Reddit Ads, you lot'll be able to run across detailed reports on how your campaigns are doing. This data is invaluable for optimizing your marketing efforts.

Detailed report of Reddit campaign
Reddit Ads dashboard

A detailed guide on how to ready Reddit Ads can be found hither.

Target ads past involvement, location, and demographics

Write about why and how yous should Target Reddit ads by involvement, location, and demographics.

Targeting ads by involvement, location, and demographics is one of the most important aspects to accept into consideration when creating a Reddit marketing strategy for your visitor. When y'all go into the Reddit Ads portal, you'll have the selection to target users with interests related to your industry, location, and demographic data. This will allow you to reach more people who are likely to be interested in what your company has to offer.

1 thing that can make or interruption an ad on Reddit is its thumbnail epitome. Information technology's the starting time thing people see when they go onto the site and so it'south important that information technology captures their attention and draws them in. If it doesn't, people will scroll right past without even seeing what information technology'south about.

Thumbnail image of Reddit post

Set up campaign goals and manage bids

When you're setting upwardly your Reddit Ads entrada, it's important to fix campaign goals and manage your bids. This will help ensure that you're getting the most out of your marketing efforts.

Campaign goals tin include things like increasing website traffic, generating leads, or selling products/services. In one case you've set up your goals, you'll need to create ads that are in line with them. This means that your ad copy, images, and targeting should all exist aligned with each other.

When you lot're managing your bids on Reddit Ads, information technology'south important to consider what you want to accomplish with your campaign. If y'all're looking to generate website traffic, y'all'll want to gear up a college bid price than if you're looking to generate leads.

Keep in mind, all the same, that yous don't want to spend too much on your ads if they're not generating the results you want. Try experimenting with different bid prices to find the sweet spot that works best for your business.

Monitor performance of ads over time to increase date rates and conversion rates

In order to do this, it's important to be able to track the performance of your ads over fourth dimension. This will allow you to encounter which ads are working and which aren't. As well by monitoring your ad performance, you lot'll be able to see when a particular campaign is becoming less constructive and finish it before more coin is wasted.

Additionally, by tracking how your ads perform over time, you're going to get a amend idea of what type of things work all-time for your business. For instance, if one of your campaigns is performing well but another isn't, you'll know that targeting users based on interests might work amend than location-based targeting for your product/service.

Use the Brand24 tool to track mentions across Reddit!


Reddit platform is a social media network with over 200 one thousand thousand monthly agile users.  It's also i of the most popular sites on the internet, ranking at #5 for traffic backside Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Wikipedia. As such it tin can be an extremely effective marketing channel to advertise your company or production if you accept the correct Reddit marketing strategy.

Desire to become started with Reddit marketing but don't know where to start? Brand24 has all the tools you need.

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